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Reunion for New Rochelle High School At American Bistro on 11/1/09
Reunion for New Rochelle High School At American Bistro on 11/1/09
Our Price: $1.00


At American Bistro Restaurant, Tuckahoe, NY on 11/1/09, a group of about 30 alumni from New Rochelle High School got together for lunch.  Frank Sisco decided to show up as his female persona, Francis Sisco.  The video is unedited and shows Francis and friends, starting in Francis' house, then proceeding to American Bistro,  with friends (most surprised at the transformation but accepting) and then ending back at the mirror, with the realizaiton that it is indeed time to come out.  Please contact Francis Sisco at FrancisSisco@aol.com to (1) share your comments (2) request to be edited out of the video if you must and (3) volunteer to create a film of alumni being interviewed about who they were in 1967 and who they are today, with intereviews of friends, loved ones, and associates. The 90 minute cinema verite film will feature profiles of up to 20 alumni.

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